2018 Schedule

BSidesCharm will take place on the weekend of 28-29 April 2018. Below is a schedule of the amazing content we're proud to be hosting this year.

Registration opens early each day and we'll have dedicated times for you to take a break and enjoy our various sponsors, villages, and events.

Times and talks are subject to change.

Time Slot Track 1 Track 2 Training 1 Training 2 Warfields
0830 - 1000 Registration Registration Opens
1000 - 1100 Keynote: Jessica Payne
1100 - 1130 Visit Our Sponsors and Villages
Hiring Village
1130 - 1200 To AI or Not to AI? What the US Military Needs for fighting Cyber Wars Preparing for Incident Handling / Response for Industrial Control Networks
1200 - 1300 FailTime: Failing towards Success Getting Saucy with APFS! - The State of Apple’s New File System
1300 - 1400 Lunch on Your Own
1400 - 1430 Basic Offensive Application of MOF Files in WMI Scripting
1430 - 1500 Counting Down to Skynet
1500 - 1600 How we reverse engineered OSX/Pirrit, got legal threats and survived Threat Activity Attribution: Differentiating the Who from the How
1600 - 1700 Quantify your hunt: not your parents’ red teaming Breaking and Entering: Lessons Learned from a Federal Penetration Tester
1700 - 1730 Internet Anarchy & The Global March toward Data Localization Powershell Deobfuscation: Putting the toothpaste back in the tube
1730 - 1830 Dinner on Your Own
1830 BSidesCharm Party

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