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Between a SOC and a Hard Place

A conversational exploration of the issues plaguing the modern security operations center and its analysts focused on brutal honesty and clever solutions to some of the industries least talked about or focused on issues. 

In the spirit of community and to make sure we cover the issues that are important to all of our fellow analysts out there, please feel free to fill out the below Google form and we will try to address your questions or come up with solutions to your problems live on the panel:


Between a SOC and a Hard Place Panelists:
Shawn Thomas (@Understudy77) 

Shawn Thomas spent many years of his career as a SOC analyst across the MSSP, Government, and Private sector spaces before moving on to be an incident response consultant helping a wide variety of customers in both proactive security and breach investigations. Recently he finds himself back in the SOC world running a SOC analyst team for a large MSSP. Feel free to hit him up on his rarely updated twitter @Understudy77 (he isn’t much of a public sharer).

Andrew Marini (@bacon89)

Andrew Marini is a Security Engineer working as a government contractor. Previously he spent the last 8 years working in multiple SOC’s throughout the range of career fields including MSSP, Private and Public sectors. Working from an entry level tier 1 analyst up to senior shift lead across multiple shifts in 24/7 operations and now a security engineer he has seen the gambit of operations center environments and cultures.

James Callahan (@jp_callahan)

James is currently the Senior Tier III Cyber Network Analyst on a network security hunt team within a DoD Security Operations Center (SOC).  He came to this position from a long and storied career holding a wide variety of positions across multiple security disciplines as well as active duty service as Senior Counterintelligence Warrant Officer with the US Army. Now known as the Professional Paranoid, James provides security consulting services, primarily to US Government clients.

Dustin Shirley (@DShirley34)

Dustin Shirley is a Senior Security Engineer and founding partner for Fractal Security Group. He brings over 15 years of experience in supporting clients across industry and DOD. Mr. Shirley has been designing and building SOCs for customers for the last 5 years. He enjoys spending time with his family and cooking some good ole Cajun food.
