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An Open Source Malware Classifier and Dataset

An Open Source Malware Classifier and Dataset
Research in machine learning for static malware detection has been stymied because of stale, biased, and otherwise limited public datasets. In this talk, I will introduce an open source dataset of labels for a diverse and representative set of Windows PE files. The dataset also includes feature vectors for machine learning model building, a high-performing pre-trained model for research, and source code to reproducibly generate the features and model. I’ll also detail the reasoning behind the features and labels and demonstrate how the machine learning model performs on samples in the wild.

Presenter: Phil Roth (@mrphilroth)
Phil Roth is a senior data scientist at Endgame, where he develops products that help security analysts find and respond to threats. This work has ranged from tuning a machine learning algorithm to best identify malware to building a data exploration platform for HTTP request data. Previously, he developed image processing algorithms for a small defense contractor. While earning a PhD in physics, Phil used a machine learning algorithm and the IceCube detector at the south pole to search for neutrinos from other galaxies.
