Best when viewed from a desktop
Saturday |
Time Slot |
Track 1 |
Track 2 |
Career |
Training 1 |
Training 2 |
0830 - 1000 |
Registration |
1000 - 1100 |
Keynote: Matt Blaze - On Being a Citizen Hacker |
Basic Memory Corruption: Introduction to Stack-based Exploitation
(Gabriel Ryan)
Attack and Defend with PowerShell
(Aelon Porat)
1100 - 1130 |
Visit Our Sponsors and Villages |
Hiring Village
1130 - 1200 |
Embrace the Red: Enhancing detection capabilities with adversary simulation
(Mauricio Velazco) |
I’ll Complete My Threat Model Later Mom!: Infosec in Middle School
(Ashley Benitez Smith) |
1200 - 1300 |
Cleaning the Apple Orchard - Using Venator to Detect macOS Compromise
(Richie Cyrus) |
It's Malware Time - A Bar Crawl from Skunked Homebrew to Rotten Apples (Erika Noerenberg) |
1300 - 1400 |
Lunch on Your Own |
1400 - 1430 |
Anatomy & Evolution of a Fast Flux Malware Campaign
(Emily Crose) (Not Recorded) |
Reasonable Rapid Recognition and Response to Rogues (Craig Bowser)
1430 - 1500 |
COM Under The Radar: Circumventing Application Control Solutions
(Jimmy Bayne) |
On The Line: What Phishing Really Impacts
(Steven Becker) |
1500 - 1600 |
Automated Adversary Emulation
(David Hunt) |
Comparing Malicious Files (Robert Simmons)
1600 - 1700 |
How to Start a Cyber War: Lessons from Brussels
(Chris Kubecka) |
You Moved to Office 365, Now What?
(Sean Metcalf) |
1700 - 1730 |
You’re Not as Safe as You Think: Clearing Up Common Security Misconceptions
(Joshua Meyer) |
Getting Started with Threat Hunting in your Databases
(Kat Edrington) (Not Recorded) |
1730 - 1830 |
Dinner on Your Own |
2000 |
BSidesCharm Party |
Sunday |
Time Slot |
Track 1 |
Track 2 |
Career |
Training 1 |
Training 2 |
0900 - 1000 |
Registration Opens |
Registration |
1000 - 1100 |
Keynote: Liam Randall - The Declarative Future |
No IOUs with IOT
(Bryson Bort)
Traffic Analysis Workshop
(Brad Duncan)
1100 - 1130 |
Visit Our Sponsors and Villages |
Exploring Community Volunteering Through a Career Development Lens (Kathleen Smith and Doug Munro)
1130 - 1200 |
Defense in Depth Against DDoS Diminishes Dollars Destroyed
(Daniel Gordon) |
Yes, Bash Can Get Uglier: Using Bashfuscator to Generate Complex, Layered Bash Obfuscation (Andrew LeFevre) |
1200 - 1230 |
BloodHound From Red to Blue
(Mathieu Saulnier)
A Code Pirate's Cutlass: Recovering Software Architecture from Embedded Binaries (evm)
Choose your own adventure: hacking the cybersecurity profession
(Brian Andrzejewski) (Not Recorded) |
1230 - 1300 |
Technical Leadership: It’s Not All Ones and Zeros
(Timothy Schulz) |
1300 - 1400 |
Lunch on Your Own |
1400 - 1500 |
Hunting for Threats in Industrial Environments and Other Scary Places
(Nick Tsamis and Marc Seitz) |
More Tales From the Crypt...Analyst (Jeffrey Man) (Not Recorded) |
How To Write How To's Training
(Jason Blanchard)
Want to Play a Game? An Intro to Cyber Competitions
(Marcelle Lee and Tyrone Wilson)
1500 - 1600 |
J-J-J-JEA Power
(James Honeycutt) |
What did the SIEM See?
(Shawn Thomas and JR Presmy) |
1600 - 1700 |
Closing Ceremony |