2019 Schedule

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Time Slot Track 1 Track 2 Career Training 1 Training 2
0830 - 1000 Registration Registration
1000 - 1100 Keynote: Matt Blaze - On Being a Citizen Hacker 
Basic Memory Corruption: Introduction to Stack-based Exploitation
(Gabriel Ryan)
Attack and Defend with PowerShell
(Aelon Porat)
1100 - 1130 Visit Our Sponsors and Villages
Hiring Village
1130 - 1200 Embrace the Red: Enhancing detection capabilities with adversary simulation (Mauricio Velazco) I’ll Complete My Threat Model Later Mom!: Infosec in Middle School (Ashley Benitez Smith)
1200 - 1300 Cleaning the Apple Orchard - Using Venator to Detect macOS Compromise
(Richie Cyrus)
It's Malware Time - A Bar Crawl from Skunked Homebrew to Rotten Apples 
(Erika Noerenberg)
1300 - 1400 Lunch on Your Own
1400 - 1430 Anatomy & Evolution of a Fast Flux Malware Campaign
(Emily Crose)
(Not Recorded)
Reasonable Rapid Recognition and Response to Rogues
(Craig Bowser)
1430 - 1500 COM Under The Radar: Circumventing Application Control Solutions
(Jimmy Bayne)
On The Line: What Phishing Really Impacts (Steven Becker)
1500 - 1600 Automated Adversary Emulation (David Hunt) Comparing Malicious Files
(Robert Simmons)
1600 - 1700 How to Start a Cyber War: Lessons from Brussels
(Chris Kubecka)
You Moved to Office 365, Now What?
(Sean Metcalf)
1700 - 1730 You’re Not as Safe as You Think: Clearing Up Common Security Misconceptions
(Joshua Meyer)
Getting Started with Threat Hunting in your Databases
(Kat Edrington)
(Not Recorded)
1730 - 1830 Dinner on Your Own
2000 BSidesCharm Party

Time Slot Track 1 Track 2 Career Training 1 Training 2
0900 - 1000 Registration Opens Registration
1000 - 1100 Keynote: Liam Randall - The Declarative Future
No IOUs with IOT
(Bryson Bort)
Traffic Analysis Workshop
(Brad Duncan)
1100 - 1130 Visit Our Sponsors and Villages
Exploring Community Volunteering Through a Career Development Lens
 (Kathleen Smith and Doug Munro)
1130 - 1200 Defense in Depth Against DDoS Diminishes Dollars Destroyed
(Daniel Gordon)
Yes, Bash Can Get Uglier: Using Bashfuscator to Generate Complex, Layered Bash Obfuscation
(Andrew LeFevre)
1200 - 1230
BloodHound From Red to Blue
(Mathieu Saulnier)
A Code Pirate's Cutlass: Recovering Software Architecture from Embedded Binaries (evm)
Choose your own adventure: hacking the cybersecurity profession
(Brian Andrzejewski)
(Not Recorded)
1230 - 1300 Technical Leadership: It’s Not All Ones and Zeros (Timothy Schulz)
1300 - 1400 Lunch on Your Own
1400 - 1500 Hunting for Threats in Industrial Environments and Other Scary Places (Nick Tsamis and Marc Seitz) More Tales From the Crypt...Analyst
(Jeffrey Man)
(Not Recorded)
How To Write How To's Training
(Jason Blanchard)
Want to Play a Game? An Intro to Cyber Competitions
(Marcelle Lee and Tyrone Wilson)
1500 - 1600 J-J-J-JEA Power
(James Honeycutt)
What did the SIEM See? (Shawn Thomas and JR Presmy)
1600 - 1700 Closing Ceremony