BSidesCharm April 27-28, 2019
Sheraton Baltimore North
903 Dulaney Valley Rd
Towson, MD 21204
Twitter: Follow @BSidesCharm
BSidesCharm Code of Conduct
2019 CPE Letter Download
BSidesCharm 2019
Save the dates! BSidesCharm Tickets Open Soon!
BSidesCharm 2019 ticket sales dates - 3 rounds: 1st round: Sunday Mar 3 @ 2000 EST 2nd round: Friday, Mar 15 @ 1600 EST 3rd round: Wednesday, Mar 20 @ 1300 EST Training registration information will be included with the ticket statements. Tickets are only $20.00 each! These tickets will sell out quick. Like previous years, we've staggered the days and times to allow everyone an opportunity to buy. Because they will likely sell out within an hour each, set your alarm! |
CFP is Closed and Tickets will Open Soon
Thank you to all who submitted. We've reviewed the large number of submissions this year and have sent all notifications out. If you submitted but not received a notice, email us at immediately. Ticket sales are still being planned and will be opening SOON. We'll update with more information here when we have established it. |
Call for Volunteers is OPEN!
If you are interested in helping with BSidesCharm 2019, fill out the volunteer registration form - |
Call For Papers (CFP) is Now Open!
We have officially opened the CFP for your talk and training ideas! Click here for more details. |
BSidesCharm 2019 Call for Sponsors is now OPEN!
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for 2019, please fill out and sign our Sponsor Agreement form and return it to . We will guide you through the process and help with any sponsorship questions. |
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