Talks & Events
2016 Keynote Speakers
2016 Speakers & Talks
2016 Training & Contests
2016 Party
2016 Hiring Happy Hour
2016 Schedule
Past Events
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2016 Hiring Happy Hour
2016 Keynote Speakers
2016 Party
2016 Schedule
2016 Speakers & Talks
An Introduction to Malware Classification
Attacking Automation: Hacking For The Next Fifty Years
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Hunting
Beyond Automated Testing
Binary Reverse Engineering for Beginners
Building Blocks: An Introduction to Security Analysis
Cyber Vulnerabilities of America's Pipeline Systems
Deserialized to Life: The Story of My January CVEs
Draining the AppSec Pond - A Developer's Perspective
Failure to Warn Might Get You Pwned: Vulnerability Disclosure and Products Liability in Software
Fun with Network Packet Analysis!
Getting to the Bottom of the Cloud -- File Syncing Forensics
How Hackers Look at a Web Site
In Case of Emergency: Anonymity - A Technical Guide
Managing Audits: A Human Interaction Perspective
Next Gen Social Engineering
PowerShell Security: Defending the Enterprise from the Latest Attacks
Ranger – It just takes one account to take down an enterprise!
The Open Source Malware Lab
The Value of Deceiving Attackers
Using Bro IDS to Detect X509 Anomalies
Using open source SSL/TLS data to hunt threat actors and defend networks
Who Watches the Smart Watches?
2016 Training & Contests
Past Events
Schedule of events
days since
BSidesCharm 2016
2016 Schedule
Time Slot
Track 1
Track 2
Training 1
Training 2
0900 - 1000
Opening Ceremonies (VIDEO)
Registration Opens
1000 - 1100
Keynote: Martin Roesch
Building Blocks: An Introduction to Security Analysis
Binary Reverse Engineering for Beginners
1100 - 1130
Meet the Sponsors
1130 - 1150
An Introduction to Malware Classification
(John Seymour)
Using open source SSL/TLS data to hunt threat actors and defend networks
(Mark Parsons)
1200 - 1250
Ranger – It just takes one account to take down an enterprise!
(Christopher Duffy, Jonathan Fallone, Dev Patel)
Managing Audits: A Human Interaction Perspective
(AJ Stambaugh)
1300 - 1400
Lunch on Your Own
1400 - 1420
Failure to Warn You Might get Pwned: Vulnerability Disclosure and Products Liability in Software
Wendy Knox Everette)
Who Watches the Smart Watches?
(Brian Moran)
1430 - 1450
Using Bro IDS to Detect X509 Anomalies
(Will Glodek)
Cyber Vulnerabilities of America's Pipeline Systems
(Paul Vann)
1500 - 1550
How Hackers Look at a Web Site
(Patrick Laverty)
The Value of Deceiving Attackers
(Thomas Phillips)
1600 - 1650
PowerShell Security: Defending the Enterprise from the Latest Attacks
(Sean Metcalf)
Draining the AppSec Pond - A Developer's Perspective
(Jason White)
1700 - 1800
Keynote: Paul M. Joyal
Prizes and Giveaways
2000 - 2200
BSidesCharm Official Party
Time Slot
Track 1
Track 2
Training 1
Training 2
0900 - 1000
Registration Opens
Registration Opens
1000 - 1100
Keynote: Micah Hoffman
Internet of Things (IoT) Village
1100 - 111
Meet the Sponsors
Fun with Network Packet Analysis!
1110 - 1200
Getting to the Bottom of the Cloud -- File Syncing Forensics
(Matt Harvey)
Attacking Automation: Hacking For The next Fifty Years
(Mike Spaulding)
1200 - 1250
The Open Source Malware Lab
(Robert Simmons)
Deserialized to Life: The Story of My January CVEs
Arshan Dabirsiaghi)
1300 - 1400
Lunch on Your Own
1400 - 1450
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Hunting
(Tony Cook)
In Case of Emergency: Anonymity -
A Technical Guide
(Douglas Goddard)
1500 - 1550
Next Gen Social Engineering
(Jack Johnson)
Beyond Automated Testing
(Zack Meyers, Luke Hudson)
1600 - 1700
Closing Ceremony (VIDEO)