Next Gen Social Engineering

As Financial Institutions and other organizations have continually improved upon their security protocols, procedures and technologies the Cyber Criminal community has responded by adapting their attack methods to counter and circumvent any security barriers that stand between them and their goal of illegal financial gain. Due to the fact that nearly all Financial Institutions and organizations that conduct business online have either hired a vendor or developed an internal security team to monitor, detect and respond to online cyber attacks i.e. Phishing, Malware etc. the response time to these types of attacks have increased dramatically reducing the effectiveness and the amount of monetary gain that can be realized from obtaining credit card credentials. This has resulted in the Cyber Criminals developing new Social Engineering techniques that are more clever and advanced than any that we have seen before (50 minute)

Jack Johnson

Jack Johnson Manager of the MarkMonitor Security Operations Center (SOC) has over 20 years of experience in the Enterprise Systems Engineering and Security space. ... Jack is a recognized subject matter expert in Cyber Security and Enterprise level System Administration and Security best practices. He is currently working on multiple projects developing new and improved Phishing and Malware detection, analysis and mitigation systems.
