The BSidesCharm 2024 Call For Villages is currently closed!

BSidesCharm prides itself on the large variety of villages hosted each year. These are opportunities for realistic, practical, hands-on experience to teach new skills.

To ensure the highest quality of villages available, and to manage the large number of requests we receive, we are opening a Call for Villages (CFV).

The Call for Villages closed on Sunday 28 January 2024. Selections and Notifications will be sent out in mid-February.

Why provide a village at BSidesCharm?

  • 1200 expected attendees for 2024!
  • A predominantly blue-team, defense audience base, but with lots of love for offensive, too
  • One and two-day village opportunities

BSidesCharm enforces its Code of Conduct for all conference participants, speakers, sponsors, and staff to maintain a safe and relaxing environment.

BSidesCharm does not provide honorariums or travel assistance for villages without pre-authorization.

If there are any questions, please contact