BSidesCharm 2022 tickets will go on sale on Sunday, March 13, 2022 at 2:00 PM ET.

Tickets purchased in 2020 will be valid for 2022.  We were close to being sold out in 2020 so we have a very limited number of tickets available for the 2022 event. Due to the limited number of tickets available, we are only offering one round of ticket sales on 3/13/22 at 2:00pm ET and we anticipate that the tickets will sell out quickly so set your alarm!

Training registration information will be included with the ticket statements.

Tickets are only $30.00 each!

On Sunday only, kids (17 and younger) will be allowed to shadow their badge-holding parent(s) at BSidesCharm 2020! Parents will not need to purchase a badge for the kid, but they must remain together while in event spaces.

If you have an excess ticket there is no official waitlist. If you would like to sell or give away the ticket, we recommend posting it on Twitter and tagging @BSidesCharm. We will amplify the post. To transfer a ticket, simply edit the details and enter the new email address.

Training Registration

There is no charge for training and training registration links will be emailed to all valid ticket holders. When registering for training, select the classes that you would like to take.

Is the class you want to register for sold-out? Sometimes attendees cancel their training registration so monitor EventBrite to see if a ticket becomes available. We require those with training tickets to arrive to the training class early.

Were you unable to obtain a ticket for training but you still REALLY want to be in the training class? The day of the training at the conference, you can line up for a class, outside of the training room, prior to its start. If the class has any open seats left (due to no-shows), we will begin allowing those that have lined up, on a first-come-first-serve basis, to enter 10 minutes prior to the start of the class.