Health and Safety Update (COVID-19 / Coronavirus)

BSidesCharm strives to make our in-person event a safe and secure environment for all attendees. We will be continually monitoring government requires and will make necessary changes as the event date arrives.
The latest information can be found on our Health and Safety page.

BSidesCharm is a regional Security B-Sides held in the Baltimore region of Maryland. It operates under the umbrella principles of Security B-Sides as a larger community project within information security. The goal of BSides is to offer small, intimate events where all participants can engage each other to help develop connections, friendships, and network with different industry professionals.
We recognize the value in engaging a smaller audience and being the big fish in a small pond. Every organization will have different goals and priorities which is why we offer different levels of participation for every individual, group, or organization. We specifically designed several different options for any sized organization to participate and support this event.






Securing Election Campaigns

Saturday Morning Panel


Amelie Koran (@webjedi)

Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council




Laila ElGohary
Former Deputy CTO at Biden for President



Michael Kaiser (@CyberNews4you)
CEO of Defending Digital Campaigns



Chip Stewart
CISO, State of Maryland



Mike Sager
Chief Technology Officer and Chief Information Security Officer
EMILY’s List | The Nation’s Largest Resource for Women in Politics

Secure the Era

Sunday Morning

From local to state to federal, all political campaigns continue to be targeted by bad actors and face growing cybersecurity risks. Drawing from experiences from the South Lawn to South Bend, Mick will discuss the unique challenges, lessons learned as the first CISO of any presidential campaign, and the potential for campaign cybersecurity in 2020 and beyond.

Mick Baccio

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Hiring Village Organizations